Friday, May 29, 2009

Recipe Exchange!

Thursday June 4th - 7 p.m. - Heidi's house

We want to start a once a month recipe exchange. Where we will host a different food theme each month.
How does it work?

This month we will have a dessert theme. If you have a favorite dessert recipe that you like to make and want to share. Make it and bring it to Heidi's house (along with copies of the recipe to share) and we'll have the opportunity to taste each others treats and of course, talk and visit. Totally relaxed, no pressure and FUN!

If you don't have time to make the recipe before hand to share - bring copies of your recipe and COME ANYWAY! If you don't like to cook but like to taste treats and get together with great ladies - COME ANYWAY! We really want to make this a regular thing. Not only to help expand our recipe boxes, but for a way for us to get to know each other better and become friends in Relief Society!

For those of you who can't come, we will miss you. And for you, we will post the recipes and pictures on this blog for you to have.

We really hope to get as many ladies to come as possible. Please pass along this info - even if you have friends that you know would enjoy this but aren't in the ward (or members)...that's okay...bring them!

Thanks to Heidi for letting us use her house : )

See you on Thursday at 7!

Future recipe exchange ideas? Freezer meals, crockpot creations, side dishes, pastas, etc. Have an idea? Let us know! : )

1 comment:

  1. I hate cooking but am looking forward to coming!
    Velenti :)
